Millers Falls
Miterbox Saw Plans
a 1/6th scale model of a
"Millers Falls" miterbox saw
that was made in the 1950's.
It was a beautifully designed
and built tool. The saw frame
was cast iron and other parts
were machined from solid steel
bar stock. Most of the
hardware items were nickel
plated. Tools with that kind
of quality are not made
anymore and never will be
The model saw frame is milled
from solid brass. The saw
blade is brass sheet and the
rest of the saw is machined
from miscellaneous brass bar
stock. The saw handle and the
material deck is walnut for a
nice contrast to the brass.
This model almost looks like
jewelry and will look great on
your desk, the fireplace
mantle or in your curio
cabinet. I made this saw as a
gift for a friend (George W.
Neff) in 1977. How about you
making one for that really
special carpenter relative or
friend of yours?
The plans set consists of 5
sheets of drawings.
above pictures were duplicated
from old slides from 1977 that
are not very good.)
Overall Width: 3-3/8",
Blade Length: 4-1/8", Overall
Height: 1-15/16"
"Thanks for
ALL that you
contribute to the
model engine world
and the machining
hobby in general
with your great
plans and designs."
- John
Guenther (Sterling,